"Look to the Lord and his strengh; seek his face always"
1 Chronicles 16:11

We offer communion the first Sunday of the month. If you need it at a different time one of the prayer team members would be happy to help!

Jim Gipson
Hello Im Jim! Im 57. I have a beautiful wife named Victoria. We have 8 children (one has passed) and 7 grandchildren. I LOVE to pray and talk to God everyday! I have a calling to do what I can to help others.. I serve on the Prayer Team, Facility Team and Greeter Team.
The Prayer Team provides a prayer shield for the Pastor, Lay Pastors, and covers the various ministry teams of PTCC with prayer and receives any prayer concerns they may have.
We Pray for our Church and church services so that the congregation may open their hearts to hear the word and that lives may be saved.
We are available to pray with someone if the need arises, work with the Pastor to provide opportunities for the congregation to enrich their prayer lives or any need the Pastor may have for prayer.
The Prayer Team facilitates the prayer meetings, the prayer chain through our Facebook PTCC Prayer group page, emails or texts sent for prayers, and our church mail box.
The PTCC Prayer Team continues to be inspired to serve, and step in when and if the need arises.
We Pray for our Church and church services so that the congregation may open their hearts to hear the word and that lives may be saved.
We are available to pray with someone if the need arises, work with the Pastor to provide opportunities for the congregation to enrich their prayer lives or any need the Pastor may have for prayer.
The Prayer Team facilitates the prayer meetings, the prayer chain through our Facebook PTCC Prayer group page, emails or texts sent for prayers, and our church mail box.
The PTCC Prayer Team continues to be inspired to serve, and step in when and if the need arises.

Let us pray with you and for you!